I will make a post about the people specificially, who have helped me get a better whistle, ever since I was garabage, I have been flagging reviews everytime I come to newgrounds...
Here is the list of people, along with a link to there userpage, and what kind of whislte they have!
soulknight96 - Diety
He has posted large amounts of abusive reviews, making it really easy to get whislte points fast!
idiot-finder - Diety
He's always in the forum, giving abusive review after another.
95wave - Diety
He always seems to find a good gold mine, for quick abusive review spotting.
zoke - Diety
Good abusive review spotter, every abusive review, is really abusive.
recently reached Diety, Nice job zoke!
yoshi77777 - Diety
Nice guy, finds a good amount of reviews, stays on the forum much.
jokerscard - Diety
He mostly finds stuff from the audio portal, finds good ones too. Nice job getting back up to gold!
I will be making it longer as more people keep helping me get my whistle alot better!
Not me!!! 80
killa9512 (Updated )
Sorry, thought I put you up there...well your there by now.