I just came back from new york wooooh! I did a bunch of stuff, I saw a broadway show, it was... well I forgot the name, but it was the story of The Four Seasons, good singing group, real fun! ISaw a Yankee's game, go yankees! They won by 8, it was 8-0 against The Twins. I also wen't to the top of the empire state building! Real nice view, I took a bunch of pictures, I even made a movie, I am still trying to find a good program to edit it with, because the one it came with sucks, it's really just a thing that you just put video on, cut some stuff out, and add some audio, it sucks, if anyone knows of any 30 day trials of good video editing software I can use, pelase tell me!!
Here's a picture of me at Yankee Stadium! I'm 14 ok...
Get a haircut, hippie. Just joking.
Ronald-McDonald is gay, pedophile. Just Joking.